WOW, where to start!!
My most favorite thing, was the children, and especially the children that we met on our outreaches, i think that reaching out to them for just a few days was for me amazing. Just to be able to share Gods love with them an

d seeing them dancing, seeing them smile and open up a little, to see them laughing and going crazy with me was just so wonderful. there is so much suffering out there, and there are very few who really give their lives totally to brin

g Gods kingdom down to earth in order to bring his love, to stop the suffering, to just pour out his riches into these people. they really taught me so so much, more than i had to give them. the way that they continue to live even though for them there is nothing to live for, the way that they look after and protect their brothers and sisters, the way that even though they are maybe only 7 or so they will walk to get water, th

ey will work, and they have such a sense of responsibility, the way that they lov

e and hug you even though they dont know you....
i loved the fact that on base there we so many children as well, you can just take a ball out and there will always be people who want to play with you, whether that be the children from Iris or village kids. Iris opens its doors to so many people, and feeds thousands daily, its all about giving what you can, and sharing it with everyone. And despite the obvious problems that can occur, they havent hardened their hearts towards these people but continue to love even more, and to forgive and just share Gods love, for free e

ven though it costs them absolutely everything...

I loved eating in the kitchen area there are hundreds of people and so much mess!!
i loved working in the kitchen serving the thousands at the conference and the wedding, and sweating like mad in the heat!! and serving at village feeding when the village kids come and eat!
i loved all the things we had to do as a team, my colour group was brilliant, and there was such unity

between us, it just makes things so much better and it pleases God when there is unity, even th

ough we were all from different countries, that we live such different lives, there was just such unity that it seemed as if we had known each other for years and years, these are the friendships that really last and have such positive impacts in peoples lives.
even the school as a whole was really united, it was so so amazing to be in a place where

everyone there was there for the same reason, firstly God and going deeper in him, to learn and to find out what Gods calling in their lives is. we were all there united in worship, in prayer in everythi

ng and seeking him, finding him and again helping each other in each of our walks in Christ. and God has amazing things in store for them all! they are gonna rock this world for God!!!!
i loved the

10 day outreach we were also so united, even though things were not easy, they were made more joyful because we were together and encouraging and helping each other.i loved it!!
i really was able to see the children through Gods, eyes, and how much he loved them. And there are so many forgotten children out there

that we dont even know about who are suffering, but God sees them all and hasnt forgotten any of them. And he loves every single o

ne of them however dirty, ill, or rejected they are. God was there when we were in the middle of the bush bush, and he healed so many people.
The harvest is plenty but the workers are few. So many people are accepting jesus into their hearts, but there nee

ds to be more people to go and give their lives to help them.
this trip has been

so vital for me. i understand why God put it on my path and i am so grateful!!
it has opened my eyes more to who He is, what he wants, who i am in Him, what i must do, and a little about where i am going. He has also given me some preciously amazing friends, who i a

m sure will be life long friends.
its just so amazing what happens when you step out in faith and just trust God that he knows what he is doing even though we can limit ourselves by who we think we are and what we can and cant do and also to our own limited plans that we have made for ourselves, but he sees the big picture and its so much bigger than what we could ever imagine.
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