Saturday, 19 July 2008


hello everyone!
im back
things have been great here, last weekend i went on another outreach in the bush bush bush, it was so remote and quite an excruciating ride, but it was great! its was not so so far away which always helps.
Heidi's team came for the evening evangelisation on the 1st night we got there. It was really amazing, there was a girl who was deaf that got healed, and many other healings.

in the evening we went to all went to ask the man and his wife on whose land we were staying their testimonies, turns out that they were actually muslim!! to cut a long story short they both gave their lives to Jesus and got healed from pain they have had for years. he was a chief of the town also, so open door to Iris to send pastors over to teach and God to do amazing stuff!!

the next day we went to do some baptisms but we had to find water!! we walked through such a dry place then followed a little muddy trail and then after a while we came out into the open and there was the most beautiful remote beach!! about 20 or so got baptised. it was amazing. and then one of the cars got stuck and so for about 5 hours they were trying to get it out and then finally it got out of the thick mud and all the 17 men helping they got saved too!

the next evening i saw several healings, and they were so joyful afterwards, which for here is quite something! they dont show emotions alot when they are healed, we later found out that this is because when they go to the witch doctor, they have to pay an entrance type of fee, and if they are healed then they have to pay an additional fee, so they pretend to look sad so that they dont have to pay it. so in later outreaches we did stress the point that they did not have to pay but that Jesus already paid the price and that it was free!!! had a lot of fun dancing with the people too!! that village no one had gone to evangelise there before and so many people came to Jesus.there were 1000 people on the second night and it was amazing and so so many got healed.
so it was fun but my bum and back hurt from all the bumps!!

i shared a tent with my german friend, Heike and that was so fun except that she invited an army of ants in by accident after leaning against a tree, so we had fun killing them all! but it was great fun with my friends and her, we are all so mischievous, that its hilarious!

the next day on the way back we visited the local iris church to encourage them a bit. it was really nice and even our children were able to encourage the people there and pray for everyone.

i got my baggage!! that was 3 weeks ago now, some stuff was stolen but it was good to get it!
still lots of classes and homework and we had some funny presentations we had to do this week too so hmm lots to do, shall try to write again when i have more time!!


JoD said...

So good to hear you are having fun in Africa. Still enjoying reading yours and I's blogs. Looking forward to next instalment. Love from Jo.

isabelle said...

Hi Miggis - good to hear from you - sounds like you are experiencing lots of exciting things and that God is really moving!

Lots of love
Isabelle and Nathanial

hillyb said...

God bless you Miriam. So glad to have news from you again and to hear what God is doing through and around you - wonderful wonderful! - and to learn that life continues to be fun whatever the circumstances! Love you, hilxxx