things are going well here, though this weekend is hectic but so fun!!
there is a conference being held here this weekend wh
there have been people arriving since monday, by bus, walking crawling, and there are about 3000 estimated to come in total and they sleep on the floor in the church, outside, just anywhere, and go to the loo anywhere too!!
there is also a wedding on sunday where everyone is invited like the banquet in the bible where all the poor and the needy are invited and the lame and crippled will be the special guests. so as you can imagine our chores have been multiplied by quite a lot!! we have so much fun cleaning the latrines, spending hours on kitchen duty,serving people,being security, just an
so its just a little hectic but its nice to meet the people and there will be healings and deliverences, and allsorts in the meetings in the next few days, it lasts till sunday evening,so very exciting!there are so many people out there that need serious healing, deliverence from witchcraft...its gonna be great!and here you can be guaranteed that there will be loads that will come to
i shall tell you more about it when i next get a chance to write!!
well i am writing a little more here to say about how it was:
there were more than 4 thousand people present it was an amazing chaos!! they slept on the floor of the church and in the fields, and we had to serve them for hours in the kitchen!! there was a little rioting when they thought they wouldnt be fed and when they wanted to be fed, but there was always enough food!!
it was great! one night though i went and i stayed at the back and prayed for some people and so on and played with a baby and then at t
there were loads of people who wanted to be baptised also , so after the church on the sunday
i slept one night in the church too with a friend just to socialise and see what it was like at night there. it was interesting, it was so cold and people even if they are only three and everyone is sleeping, they dont turn the volume down!! so every hour we would wake up to heated conversations!! needless to say that i didnt get a satisfactory amount of sleep but i had fun with the makua women, and managed to learn a little more makua and teach a little english too, and have a good

the wedding was amazing, it was Heidi's daughter Cristalin Baker and Brock Human. we spent a few days in our houses making loads and loads of cakes for the dinner as some people have never had ca

the ceremony was on the beach, with a beautiful arch covered in flowers, and the turquoise sea in the background. there were loads of people there, africans that just joined and the children singing