Hello everyone!
Just thought I should write something before I leave as it would be nice for you to read seeming as I have given you all the address!!!
I will firstly just apologize for all the spelling, punctuation and grammar mistakes that there will be!! just
And i would like to thank all of you who so kindly donated money. I baked about 35 cakes and managed to raise £660 pounds, which will go such a long way out there, so thank you so much. I spent £100 on a few things that they asked specifically for like underwear and colouring books, crayons and so on for the children, I shall take the rest of the money with me as it will go further and be for specific needs that they have in the orphanages.
I'm proud to say that I packed my bags last night!! This leaves me a day 'free', so I am quite happy bout that, and i won't be opening the bag to check I have everything because I won't be able to shut it again, so I can really say that it is done!! Though I haven't managed my reading schedule as well as my packing...so I have a little to do when I get there..or that I can read in terminal 5 at Heathrow.............
I start the missions school on the 2nd of June I think, so I have a couple of days to acclimatise. Apart from attending the school and doing the assignments and projects, we also have several projects to do in churches , work in the orphanage etc, though it is all linked, what we learn we must put into practise! Oh and learn portuguese, unfortunatly i have lost my book this last week....but I will certainly pick the language up over there, but I would like to find it... There are about another 100 or so students I think, international and Mozambicans, so quite a mixed group really.
I dont really know what to write now as I don't really know everything about what is going to happen, or what we do, so I shall keep this updated as I go along. I get internet once a week in town so you can imagine all the students going...so if I can face a sprint you shall hear from me!!
For further info on the directors, Heidi and Roland Baker, the missionaries that started Iris Ministries Mozambique then I would encourage you to read "Always Enough" Baker & Baker, you can get it off Amazon for not too expensive and it's a really really amazing read. They also used to be missionaries in the slums of Hong Kong. Read it!!
Well I hope that you will enjoy reading this blog, and hope that I manage to write in a more interesting way than when I talk!!!!